Saturday, October 25, 2008

Log4J Warnings

Annoyingly, when I run a junit test that is testing my Hibernate DAO objects, I get the following warnings:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (jpt.dao.impl.test.GenericDaoImplTest). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

This shouldn't be surprising, it's saying that Log4j hasn't been initialized properly. Why not? Well, It can't find my file. That's because hibernate needs it to be in the class path. So, I need to put into the classpath.

Well that's fine, and doing so does fix the problem - I just put into my src folder (or, in this case, specifically my test-src folder).

However, the problem is that I already have in the WebRoot/WEB-INF folder. When running my web-app (not the tests, but the web app itself), hibernate knows to look for it there because web.xml has:


What's more, that's exactly where I want my to be. Sure, I could change this to point somewhere else, but I don't want to do that. I want to be located in this directory for my web-app and configured just so.

So… the question is, how do I get Junit to initialize using this, rather than looking into src (on the classpath) and finding it missing. Well, I haven't been able to do it yet. I can manually configure log4j in my test class - but that's after the warnings are already shown. The only way I've been able to avoid those warnings is by placing into the classpath.
So, in the end, I've now got two versions of One is in test-src and defines the logging levels etc for the debug running. One is in WebRoot/WEB-INF and defines logging levels for the webapp.

This is fine - and some might even say the best of both worlds - because I can have different default logging for my tests and my web-app. However, I still don't really like it. It could be confusing having two files named log4j.properites in the one project. What if I want to have only one!

Surely it shouldn't be THAT hard to configure my Junit test runs (that extend AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSprignContextTests) so that they search for the in the web-inf directory rather than on the classpath?!?!?!? Any ideas? (By the way, trying to add web-inf to the classpath doesn't work, as I'm using MyEclipse and it doesn't allow this!)

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